The opioid epidemic has devastated communities across the United States. The National Opioids Settlement and other settlement agreements have created a sense of hope for families and communities affected by the opioid crisis and provided a profound opportunity for states across the nation to begin to repair the damage the epidemic has wrought.

University of Notre Dame's Summit on the National Opioids Settlement: A Pathway to Hope focuses on how to most effectively distribute the nearly $50 billion in settlement dollars to maximize the impact on our communities and citizens.

Set for August 5–6, 2024, this event will bring together attorneys general from across the country to discuss best practices to proactively evaluate the efficacy of opioid abatement programs and develop strategies to best distribute the funds. Led by the University of Notre Dame’s Poverty Initiative, the summit will explore how evidence-based practices can inform decision making and ensure that the National Opioids Settlement best helps those victims it is meant to serve.